The answer is NO, I do not believe in any sort of gene altercation. A human's genes are a unit of hereditary material that is transferred from offspring to offspring. This is known to be a law of nature, in which I do not believe should in any way, be interrupted. Genes are a very complex topic when it comes to a human being. It is what makes each and every one of us unique. I feel that our genes are a part of life, that in a way keeps our world stable. I feel by altering genes we are trying to make this “perfect” world, where anything can be fixed. Even though there is a possibility it could help surpass any sickness, the real issue that arises is what it would really do to our humanity.
To begin, whether the altered gene was for a very important change in a human's  life or to make someone look different, no matter the circumstance, it is unethical. We as humans were made differently, everyone contains many different and unique traits and abilities that make them who they are. Why would we as humans want to be exactly like someone else or take away those who may have one extra chromosome because SOME people believe that it is going to help and is better. But, I don't believe it works that way. As we will create a normality which we’ll see the world come to a stale point as what is too come without a unique atmosphere. With this, many people will begin to feel neglected, in ways they don’t feel perfect or normal anymore. Our world was made up to contain unique people. It is a law of nature, not a system that we should be manipulating. It takes away the diversity that classifies our world. I believe that everyone looks at the world differently but, that is what makes it such a complex and never-ending society. Not everyone will believe this “should we or not” issue is correct. From the early ages till now the only reason our world has developed and has become so fascinating is because of the ability for people to approach opportunities in a different manner, they think, act and configure the world differently as opposed to those around them. If we tried to manipulate our genetic code we wouldn’t be making our world a better place, we would just be building the basis for larger issues. In essence it is what would better our world for the people and the environment, more than just the fascination of fixing a disease or making someone “normal”.
Secondly, it could arise a major fluctuation and our population can have great increase if we began to manipulate any kind of a gene. I know that may not sound completely terrible but, it truly is. In the world now there has already been issues with enough food(ex: how in several years fish will become a luxury food). Just think in China, it is said that a family can only have one child because the country has come to maximum capacity. If we were to fix genes so that the population will have a higher average age of death the effects can be horrific. How are we going to withstand a possible rapid increase in population. When we are already lacking many resources and space provided. I personally believe that it may cause even more conflict which could even arise in a substantial war. Even though it sounds crazy, the possibility becomes higher when there are more humans to neglect many different situations.
Lastly, it could cause other complications to the genes. To be fair there is possibilities in finding a way to cure a disease or sickness but, do people really understand the issues involved. Yes, a drug used on one purpose worked and cured them, but what if someone else's body could not sustain the drug. What if, there was the chance that you could make their situation even worse. The problem is that you never know for sure if what you're doing inside a human body is correct. Information like this, does not seem to be completely sustainable or reliable. Even though our technology may be enhancing, it does not mean that implications can not occur. You really have to think if you want to risk someone's life just to change who they are. Something so simple like finding a way to change someone's hair colour, could arise with not only a change in colour but may switch a different gene that causes them to now endure a disease.
We will never truly no what the outcome of something so big can create. However, altering genes is not the right answer. Genes are part of a human. Genes are unique and special to each and every one of us. I will stand by the problems and enhance the understanding that it is unethical, can increase population for the worse and create complications. Humans are different for a reason, we may never know why or how or completely understand any of it. However, what I believe and many others should believe is that we are all PERFECT and we are all NORMAL. We don’t need a gene to fix who we are.

Porostocky, Art By Thomas. "Pro and Con: Should Gene Editing Be Performed on Human Embryos?" National Geographic. N.p., 13 June 2017. Web. 18 June 2017.

"Human Genetic Diversity and the Threat to the Survivability of Human Populations." Human Genetic Diversity and the Threat to the Survivability of Human Populations | The Institute for Applied & Professional Ethics. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2017.

"Life Knowledge Park." Importance of Genetic Research for Human Health and Disease Treatment. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2017.


  1. Your points as to why the human genome should not be altered were comprehendible and valid. But I don't believe that in an instinct where altering a DNA code could save someone's life should be deemed as "unethical." Also, I don't think the population would increase dramatically at all, because as times progressed, less people are having children, or if they are having children they aren't having as many. For instance, in the older days people had such large amounts of kids so that they would work their farms and plow the land, but now technology has advanced and taken over those human positions. Lastly, it is rare that the cure would cause other severe problems to develop. Even if something did develop, I'm sure it would be a minor issue that people are able to live with. For example, if the code cured cancer yet rarely triggered the person to have back pain, I'm pretty sure being cancer-free outweighs having back aches.

  2. Marlee! I agree with all of your points. Why not embrace the fact that we are all different? Because being diverse allows us to survive when changes in the environment are made. Nobody is perfect anyway, and who even gets to decide what "perfect" is?
    I also agree with your point, "to approach opportunities in a different manner, they think, act and configure the world differently as opposed to those around them." If we were all the same, there would be no diversity in the world. If we were all the same, then is would discriminate against some races and more problems would be caused like you said in paragraph 2. Thirdly, the world would definitely become overpopulated. Natural resources would become limited and a war, like you mentioned, is definitely a possibility.

  3. All of your points are very clear and accurately persuasive. I agree with your arguments and I love the bit of passion you seem to have when writing this. The "who is perfect/normal?" aspect that you took with this brought up a different way of thinking about the matter. I think that we as humans have flaws and imperfections but thats what make us who we are and being who you are is what makes us perfect....perfectly human! I also agree with the fact the altering the DNA code will greatly decrease our diversity in which we need in our world. Everyone is unique and different and that is what makes our world so beautiful. Overall, you had some very great points and a strong argument.


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