Just Because We Can, DOESN'T Mean We Should

Just Because We Can, Does NOT Mean We Should


Genetic engineers are able to modify genes within the human DNA so desirable traits are attained.


  “Normal” does not have one definition because it can differ from one person to another. Instead of trying to manipulate human DNA, we need to embrace that the world is full of unique people who have special characteristics that make them who they are. Everyone’s idea of perfect genes is different, so who gets to pick genes to alter and for what outcome? The most complex kind of mechanism is the human body, which is made by God and should not be altered in any way. Changing genes scares humans away from facing the unpredictable. Whether you’re healthy or sick, good looking or not, have blonde or brunette hair, that’s what keeps humanity balanced. We would not want a world with a similar race of "ideal people" because diversity is important when trying to adapt to changes in the environment. If people got everything they wanted in life, like changing the eye colour or intelligence of a child, then a very high percentage of the world would be filled with arrogant and selfish people.


If human genes are manipulated, it can start as an advantage but the pros are only temporary. Many questions arise about the safety of making changes to the genome. Is it that important to change one thing about yourself just to result in something worse later on? If the genes within people are similar, eventually if a defect occurs, how do you protect against it if everyone has the same DNA? 

Long term health consequences can occur, and there can be complications with the development of a fetus. The scientific advancement is fairly new and scientists cannot even predict what exactly will occur after the genes are altered. We also do not know enough yet about genetics to say we'll get the phenotype we expect/desire.

PLAYING WITH NATURE IS NOT SAFE!!If the experiment goes wrong, are the future parents, or scientists responsible?


Diseases can be prevented if genes are modified which sounds like an amazing idea, however has many disadvantages. Specific diseases or illnesses have been carried through generations and generations so the world population does not exceed the carrying capacity. If nobody had diseases, the world would become overpopulated with people. An overpopulated world can result in the increase of environmental pollution/issues, consumption of natural resources such as water, etc. So if genetic engineers manipulate the life span of people by modifying their genes, the world can be in much danger.

Everything has a purpose and exists for a reason.


Gene editing - Pros and Cons. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2017.

"Genetic Engineering in Humans Pros and Cons List." NYLN.org. N.p., 31 July 2015. Web. 18 June 2017.

"Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering." Conserve Energy Future. N.p., 24 Dec. 2016. Web. 18 June 2017.


  1. Hey Kiana! I thought your post was very insightful. Your arguments regarding altering the human genome were excellent and informative. I was impressed by your supporting details in your paragraph “Population Overload.” I was aware if this technology goes into action that it will affect the birth rate, however I did not think of all the risks behind it. For example, your reasons of environmental pollution/issues and consumption of natural resources such as water were great points on how this can be shown. Your arguments should definitely be taken into consideration when and if determining the regulations of this new technology. As someone who shares the same opinion as you, I think more humans need to separate what is wanted and needed!


  2. Kiana, don't get me wrong I think you made some very good points but I would still have to disagree with not being able to alter the genome. Yes, I think that you make a valid point when you say that the world may become too over populated and we may face more environmental issues, but how can we be entirely sure that helping the ill would lead to more pollution? What if It were the other way around? What if the child we save from cystic fibrosis or heart disease using genetic engineering grows up to be someone who helps us solve the problem of pollution and helps create a healthier earth ? That is why we should give these people a fair chance to life a full life, because we never know what the future may have planned for them. So that is why i still disagree with you on this buddy, because all humans should't have to suffer from a disease that shortens their life when we have the power to save them and give them the same opportunities to make their mark on the planet.


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